Set Free Church Alaska

Belong here.

Our mission:

We exist to help people find & follow Christ.

Be impactful.

We care for the “least of these” in Alaska. We establish community centers or third places, faith communities and sober living homes, and we providing peer-to-peer support networks to promote personal and community transformation. We show concern for people on the fringes of society by seeking to increase access to food, shelter, friends, and recovery support as they heal from their brokenness and learn to practice self care. We recognize that without an ecosystem of support, those in at-risk populations will continue to just survive, instead of thrive. Our friends, participants and residents become productive citizens who positively impact their social networks and communities.

Be resilient.

Resilient communities are shifting from an emphasis on various types of intervention to preventive, treatment and care based ecosystems that reduce the impact of negative feedback loops, therefore strengthening community resiliency. At both the “grasstops” and “grassroots” Set Free Church Alaska promotes dialogue across sectors: public, private, and social. Community transformation goes beyond meeting immediate needs, and brings about sustainable change. Our focus areas include job creation, strategic partnerships for education and research, and leadership development. Our friends, participants and residents are less defined by their pasts as they turn the manure of their past into a garden that produces fruit for years to come.

Our Partners

Make a donation.


There are several ways to make a financial contribution and make a difference. Your tax-exempt financial and in-kind contributions and your time and skills can truly impact the lives of neighbors in Alaska.

Celebrate Recovery w/ us in Anchorage!

Celebrate Recovery w/ us on the Peninsula!

Set Free Church launching soon in Seward!