Our Elders
Dr. Jim Hamilton
Jim is an experienced nonprofit executive, small business owner, and leadership/executive coach. For four years, he has lead Arctic Barnabas Ministries on the Peninsula. Jim has pastored and led large networks of churches in the United States. Jim and Lisa started Set Free Church Alaska in their home in 2019 and then opened the first sober living homes in 2020.
Dr. Zachary Hamilton
Zach is a decorated United States Air Force (USAF) veteran. As an community organizer and pastor, Zach catalyzed peer-based personal and professional development programs in several prison systems. These programs continue to impact hundreds of men each year. Zach is also an experienced nonprofit executive, small business owner, and trained coach.
Scott Thompson
Scott has been the volunteer chaplain inside of Alaska’s largest correctional facility Goose Creek Correctional Center since it opened in 2013. He oversees the Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI) program inside of GCCC. Scott is also lead pastor of Faith Recovery Fellowship in the Mat-Su Valley, a re-entry friendly church and partnering organization with Set Free Church Alaska.